[Salon] NATO celebration of its 75th anniversary at a summit today in Washington, D.C.


NATO celebration of its 75th anniversary at a Summit today in Washington, D.C.

As happens from time to time, it was an early morning WhatsApp invitation from a global broadcaster requesting interview time to discuss that 75th anniversary summit opening today in Washington that prompted me to put on my thinking cap and make an effort to get my mind around this given event and offer an analysis that, hopefully, has added value and stands out among the myriad commentators that mainstream news purveyors will be publishing today.

When the WION interview is posted on the internet, I will add the link below. In the meantime, I use the occasion to set out the main talking points in this interview which constitute the ‘added value,’ such as it is.

First, I was called upon to confirm the obvious: that the Ukraine war will be the leading subject for discussion among the assembled NATO leaders. This is so because it is the glue that holds the Alliance together today and gives it justificatory purpose. The expected presence of the self-proclaimed, presently unelected president of Ukraine Zelensky at the gathering is a token of the prominence that will be given to the Ukrainian question. However, this does not mean that there will be any date set by the Alliance for Ukraine’s being admitted. That eventuality is pushed back with the horizon as time marches on, the reason being that there is no unanimity among Alliance members on the point, and unanimity is an absolute requirement.

The mood in Washington is unlikely to be celebratory for several reasons, beginning with the political travails of several key members and due to the latest activities to defang NATO by one member, Hungary.

The host of the Summit, President Joe Biden, is presently fighting for his political life after his dismal performance in a televised debate with Donald Trump brought disarray to the Democratic party, where many party stalwarts and business financiers are openly calling for him to gracefully withdraw from the race to make room for an energetic candidate of a younger generation. Accordingly, other Alliance members are left to brood over the possibility of an electoral defeat for the Democrats in November, with the accession of Donald Trump to the White House likely spelling withdrawal of American military and financial support that are critical to the organization’s survival.

Meanwhile, France, another heavy-weight in the Alliance is now without a government due to self-inflicted wounds administered by President Macron in an opportunistic and short-sighted effort to keep from power his sworn enemy, Marine Le Pen by rigging the candidate lists across France during the week between rounds of balloting so as to present only the strongest candidate from among the New Popular Front (United Left) and his own centrist party. He achieved his objective: Le Pen’s National Rally party picked up only one third of the seats and not the anticipated absolute majority that would have assured France of a viable government of ‘cohabitation.’  Instead, with the seats allocated among three mutually incompatible blocs, France is now returned to the instability and weakness of its Fourth Republic. The country will be in no position to lend strong assistance to NATO in its Ukrainian adventure and all else.

As if that were not enough to dampen spirits, the energetic, very brave and apparently effective efforts of Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban to shake up the EU and NATO these past several days indicate that Uniparty rule in Europe under the aegis of Washington’s ventriloquist dummies Ursula von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg may be coming to an end.

Within a day of taking over the six-month rotating Presidency of the European Council, Orban flew to Kiev to discuss with Volodymir Zelensky prospects for a ceasefire and opening of peace negotiations, followed by a similar mission to Moscow where he was received on short notice by President Vladimir for two and a half hours of talks.  Orban’s trip was denounced by von der Leyen as a betrayal amounting to appeasement of Russian aggression. He was denounced by Charles Michel of the European Council for acting without mandate from the EU.  However, Orban responded that he was not acting in the name of the EU but in the name of humanity, to spare us all further escalation of the conflict in the direction of Armageddon, where it is now headed absent any effort by the West to enter into direct diplomacy with Moscow. He successfully publicized in meetings with journalists that peace will never be achieved by bureaucrats, meaning the entire flock of unelected EU officials busy preening their own feathers; it will come about thanks to politicians opening up communications channels between the warring parties.

What has received little or no attention in mainstream is that in parallel with diplomatic travels that yesterday took him to Beijing, Orban’s Hungarian team has been busy building a new bloc of like-minded deputies to the EU Parliament who are taking their seats in Brussels as we speak. So far, to my knowledge, he has signed up MEPs from 12 countries under the name Patriots for Europe, and they will constitute about one-third of the Parliament. This group will oppose the status quo domination of European politics by the Center Left-Center Right coalition of the European People’s Party and the Socialists and Democrats party.  The rallying cry of the Patriots for Europe is less Europe, meaning less intrusive EU Institutions, legislation, regulation and debt financing. They are calling for restoration of national sovereignty, stricter control of the borders to keep out illegals, and other causes that have broad popular backing but have been opposed, suppressed or marginalized by the EU powers that be these last five years.  None of this bodes well for NATO, of which nearly all EU Member States are participants.

Finally, I was privileged to be given the opportunity on WION to discuss the latest news from Kiev about a missile strike, allegedly by the Russians, that yesterday destroyed a children’s cancer hospital in the capital with loss of life among medical staff and patients.

As I noted, responsibility for this brutal act must be laid at the door of Mr. Zelensky, and not Mr. Putin. It fits perfectly into the pattern of false flag events that have been choreographed by intelligence operatives from Great Britain and the United States in a number of countries over the past decade, with particular attention now to Ukraine.

Very conveniently for Mr. Zelensky this disaster occurred the day before today’s opening ceremonies for the 75th anniversary of NATO in Washington. It provides him and other speakers at this Summit with a rallying cry against Russia’s alleged inhumanity and violation of the rules of war in the Ukraine conflict, all for the purpose of rousing the participants to approve still more munitions and money for Kiev.

Similar coincidences have marked many of the false flag events of the past.  The cold-blooded murder of civilians in Bucha occurred in March 2022 just days after Kiev disavowed its signature on a draft peace treaty with Russia at the urging of Boris Johnson. It was a convenient post fact justification for doubling down on the war against the Kremlin.

Similarly, the death of Russian Opposition leader Alexei Navalny in his prison camp occurred very conveniently the day before the opening of the 2024 Munich Security Conference to which his wife, now widow had been invited to speak.

I will stop my detailing of these false flag events here and suggest that you take a look at the WION video when it becomes available.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2024

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